
You are looking for the best candidate for a position within your organisation. This can be either someone who is already actively looking for a new challenge or a latent job seeker. Kijk op Zaken knows the different target audiences and their motives for possibly transferring or applying for a new job. 

Jouw wensen vs motivatie kandidaten

Depending on your target audience, we compose the recruitment mix so that it matches seamlessly with your needs and the motivation of candidates. This is of course customised, but usually consists of a combination of social media, special interest sites and generic job boards. Sometimes print publications can still be an excellent medium. If necessary, we deploy executive searches for latent job seekers.

In all cases, your communications should stand out positively, unique and appropriate to your culture and the desired candidate. With this we are already taking an important first selection step. In the recruitment process, Kijk op Zaken works with partners that measure and benchmark results of online recruitment tools.


Wat onze klanten zeggen

Wilt u weten hoe wij uw organisatie kunnen odersteunen met een cultuurveranderings traject?

Op weg naar meer gemotiveerde medewerkers, 
lager ziekteverzuim en minder ongewenst verloop.

Ik ben te bereiken via deze gegevens

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