Recruitment and Selection

The difference between average and really good performance is usually made by your employee’s motivation and personality. The right person in the right place has a positive impact on your business objectives. Kijk op Zaken ensures that you hire people who fit your organisation’s culture and goals exactly.

How can you hire employees who exactly fit your organisation’s culture and goals?

Wishes and requirements

A good start is half the battle. Especially if you want to attract the right candidates for your vacancies now. By first getting a good picture of people who would suit your organisation, you get a head start on the labour market. Our organisational and job analysis carefully maps out your wishes and requirements. We not only focus on the knowledge and experience of potential employees, but also on important behavioural and personal characteristics. Kijk op Zaken ensures that you hire people who fit exactly with your organisation’s culture and goals.

Recruiting the right candidates

Once we have jointly identified who you are looking for, we develop an appealing job ad and a recruitment mix – online, print and/or social media – that perfectly matches the orientation behaviour of desired candidates. We also take work off your hands by handling applications and answering any questions. We invite the most suitable candidates for an initial interview.

Selecting the best employee

You have met several candidates and are enthusiastic about one or more of them. This is followed by the assessment phase. By comparing the extensive organisational and job analysis with the results of the assessment, the Kijk op Zaken team can accurately determine whether someone will be successful in the position. Naturally, all findings are shared with you.

Advice and warranty

If the assessment is positive, a recommendation on the appointment of your new colleague will follow. Because we know both the candidate’s and your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, this advice ensures that he or she will be fully operational sooner. It also avoids possible pitfalls in the induction process. A follow-up takes place three months after the candidate has started.

Our recruitment and selection processes are carefully and structured. That is why we dare to guarantee that a selected candidate is a good fit for your organisation. In the unlikely event that someone does not meet your requirements, we will repeat the entire process for you free of charge.

Making the most of potential new colleague

Especially in smaller and/or growing organisations, there is often a need to support both the new colleague and the management in their collaboration for some time. You can engage Kijk op Zaken for this purpose. It is also possible to keep us on board for the further development of (management) skills within the team.

Onze expertises

Werving & Selectie

De mensen die bij u in dienst komen dragen positief of negatief bij aan zaken als productiviteit, personeelsbehoud, verkoop, winstgevendheid, etc. Wat is leidend in het sollicitatietraject? De kosten ‘per hire’ of de opbrengst ‘per hire’?

Executive search

U bent op zoek naar de allerbeste medewerkers, maar wat als zij zelf nog niet actief op zoek zijn naar u? Met Executive search traceert u relevante managers en professionals die latent op zoek zijn naar een nieuwe uitdaging.


Om een voorsprong te houden op de arbeidsmarkt is een goed werving- en selectieproces essentieel. Met Kijk op Zaken vindt u het talent dat precies bij u past.


Kennis en ervaring kunt u in een gesprek inzichtelijk maken. Maar hoe doet u dat met doorslaggevende criteria als persoonlijkheid, drijfveren en denkniveau?

On boarding

In een wereld waar talent een keuze heeft, is succesvol instromen essentieel.

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Wilt u weten hoe wij uw organisatie kunnen odersteunen met een cultuurveranderings traject?

Op weg naar meer gemotiveerde medewerkers, 
lager ziekteverzuim en minder ongewenst verloop.

Ik ben te bereiken via deze gegevens

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