
You want to know whether a candidate is going to be successful within your organisation. The difference between average and above-average performance is made by personality, motivation and (cognitive) capacities. An assessment gives you insight into how the above factors relate to the position within your organisation. This enables you to come to a well-considered decision for the appointment of a new employee.

Personality, abilities and motivations

Kijk op Zaken discusses the most important criteria and success factors for the position with you in advance. What behaviour will someone need to display to be successful? What are the pitfalls? What is the culture in your organisation and what is motivating about this position? Based on this analysis and the assessment, we give you concrete advice. This also includes management advice for the employee’s manager to ensure that he or she can achieve results faster.

Onze assessment-aanpak

Because we attach great value to candidates’ behavioural and personal characteristics in assessments, we work with modern and validated psychometric instruments. These measure psychological characteristics such as personality, behavioural styles, cognitive skills, and motivation. All consultants at Kijk op Zaken are qualified to use these instruments.

Our assessments consist of the following components:

Questionnaires and tests

A participant completes digital questionnaires and cognitive tests on personality and on work and thinking level.

Personal interview

In an extensive interview, one of our consultants discusses the results of the questionnaires and work and thinking level tests with the participant. In addition, experiences, perceptions, behaviour, motivations, and any doubts are discussed. This gives our advisor a clear picture of the participant. At the end of the interview, the advisor immediately links back the written results and his or her picture of the participant, so that the participant can still respond to them.

Written report

The advisor records his or her findings in a written report that is shared with the participant and/or the employer in consultation. In the case of coaching or outplacement, a (full) written report may not be drawn up or may not be made available to the employer. This is of course tailor-made and is always discussed with the participant and client beforehand.

Verbal explanation

If desired, a verbal explanation is given by the consultant to the client, whether in the presence of the participant. Clear agreements are also made about this in advance.


Wat onze klanten zeggen

Wilt u weten hoe wij uw organisatie kunnen odersteunen met een cultuurveranderings traject?

Op weg naar meer gemotiveerde medewerkers, 
lager ziekteverzuim en minder ongewenst verloop.

Ik ben te bereiken via deze gegevens

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