
A good workshop creates support within teams and encourages participants to work with a shared focus. Sometimes that requires improving communication, other times it involves building trust or simply practicing with new material. That’s why the workshops at Kijk op Zaken are always tailored to your needs.

Kijk op Zaken facilitates various types of workshops

 Here are some examples from our offerings:

By starting with a concrete and tangible theme, we address complex topics. In doing so, we often find that unspoken resistance becomes discussable within the safe and productive setting of a workshop. This is incredibly valuable for collaboration within teams. Kijk op Zaken has extensive experience in applying various working methods. Whenever possible, our workshops are facilitated by two advisors who complement each other to effectively motivate people.

Wil je weten hoe je een postieve impuls aan jouw team kan geven?

Wij vertellen je graag meer over teambuildingactiviteiten om jouw team een positieve impuls te geven.

Ik ben te bereiken via deze gegevens

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