
An assessment focused on career advice and personal development provides you with better insight into yourself. It objectifies your self-perception, allowing you to discover logical connections, your own strengths, and what you may not want. It is honest, respectful, and reliable.

An assessment is an individual examination that provides insight into your personality, abilities, and motivations. With the results, we can make a better assessment of who you are: what excites you, what knowledge and skills you possess, and – equally important – which character traits have a positive influence on your career or may be a pitfall?

An assessment helps you recognize your talents, strengths, and areas for improvement. This enables you to work towards development and potential career steps. That’s why assessments are used not only for recruitment and selection but also in career guidance, personal development, coaching, and outplacement.

Our assessment approach

Because we attach great importance to behavioural and personal characteristics of candidates in assessments, we use modern and validated psychometric instruments. These measure psychological characteristics such as personality, behavioural styles, cognitive abilities, and motivation. All advisors at Kijk op Zaken are authorized to use these instruments.

Our assessments consist of the following components:

Questionnaires and tests

A participant completes digital questionnaires and cognitive tests in the areas of personality and work and thinking level.

Written report

The advisor documents their findings in a written report that is shared with the participant and/or the employer, in consultation. In the case of coaching or outplacement, it may be that no (complete) written report is prepared or that it is not made available to the employer. This is, of course, tailored to the specific situation and is always discussed with the participant and the client beforehand.

Schriftelijke rapportage

De adviseur legt zijn of haar bevindingen vast in een schriftelijke rapportage die in overleg met de deelnemer en/of met de werkgever wordt gedeeld. In het geval van coaching of outplacement kan het zijn dat er geen (volledig) geschreven rapport wordt opgesteld of dat deze niet ter beschikking van de werkgever wordt gesteld. Dit is uiteraard maatwerk en wordt van tevoren altijd met de deelnemer en opdrachtgever besproken.

Oral explanation

If desired, the advisor can provide an oral explanation to the client, with or without the participant present. Clear arrangements are made in advance regarding this.


Wat onze klanten zeggen

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