
An assessment helps current employees recognize their talents, strengths, and areas for improvement. This enables them to work on their development and potential career steps within your organisation. That is why assessments are used not only for recruitment and selection but also for career guidance, organisational development, team development and team building, personal development, and coaching.

Our assessment approach

Because we attach significant importance to behavioural and personal characteristics of candidates in assessments, we use modern and validated psychometric tools. These tools measure psychological traits such as personality, behavioural styles, cognitive abilities, and motivation. All consultants at Kijk op Zaken are qualified to use these instruments.

Our assessments consist of the following components:

Questionnaires and tests

Participants complete digital questionnaires and cognitive tests related to personality and work and thinking level.

Personal interview

In an extensive interview, one of our consultants discusses the results of the questionnaires and work and thinking level tests with the participant. Experiences, perceptions, behaviour, motivations, and any doubts are also discussed. This allows our consultant to gain a clear understanding of the participant. At the end of the interview, the consultant provides immediate feedback on the written results and their impressions of the participant, allowing the participant to respond if desired.

Written report

The consultant documents their findings in a written report, which is shared with the participant and/or the employer in consultation. In the case of coaching or outplacement, it may be that no (complete) written report is prepared or that it is not made available to the employer. This is, of course, tailored to the specific situation and is always discussed with the participant and client in advance.

Oral explanation

If desired, the consultant provides an oral explanation to the client, either with or without the participant present. Clear agreements are made in advance regarding this process.

Want to learn more about the assessments at Kijk op Zaken?

Contact us for more information.

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